Friday, May 27, 2005

Announcement to readers.

Due to the fact that the editor has to sleep early, because he now has a job, and that he cannot photograph the hamster without looking like a retard in front of his father (who does not sleep early), updates on the Saga of Evil Hamster will be on Saturday and Monday.


Blogger MDFK said...


6:15 PM  
Blogger Hugh said...

Wait? You want us to wait!? Okay.

Does your sister know the hamster is now famous?

7:15 PM  
Blogger Daniel said...

tell your dad it's for a Bio project

5:09 AM  
Blogger R2D2 said...

Shion: The next issue is out.

Hugh: Well, having 680 people look at Evil Hamster hardly counts as fame. So my sister doesn't know it yet.

Wabbit: Don't worry. You'll find one soon. I'm a great prophet about these things.

Daniel: Can't. I'm having holidays now. No projects during holidays. My father knows that.

10:00 AM  

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