Monday, May 09, 2005

What time is it?


Blogger R2D2 said...

Sorry for the late post. I fell asleep. Oh, and please don't show this to or something. I don't want to get into trouble.

3:05 PM  
Blogger Daniel said...

what beer does the SAF drink anyway?

10:10 AM  
Blogger R2D2 said...

Tiger beer. The brewery sends them a special batch. The batch is cheaper.

10:58 AM  
Blogger Daniel said...

I see. I hate that beer. Luckily for me, my mess had Kilkenny's, Carlsberg and whatnot.

11:58 PM  
Blogger Daniel said...

anyway, reckon you'll get sued for implying they're stupid?

12:00 AM  
Blogger R2D2 said...

I said that I was NOT referring to any military organization. So they can't do anything to me.

2:06 AM  
Blogger crazycat said...

omg.. this is funny... cute hamster!!!

6:59 AM  
Blogger R2D2 said...

Thanks. I had hoped that it would be at least interesting. Too bad that Evil Hamster will only appear next Monday. One more post to go on Friday...

9:41 PM  
Blogger R2D2 said...

I'm getting to that in my next post.

8:32 AM  

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